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unfortunate that the game ends with a black screen and nothing else

(1 edit) (-1)

Completely unwatcheable after the 1st crossbow, even with the 125% zoom in advice. What is after the crossbow anyways? A second? I keep getting damaged by something unseen

a few blind jumps i had to guess for lol, and the bg tiling was slightly annoying but overall very nice!! the pixel animations are so freakin nice oml, you did such a good job!!

I think this might be a bug, the screen does not keep moving once you are about past the bookshelf. Because of that i had to do an invisible jump, and after a few seconds the camera was snapped to a section with a bookshelf. Which it wouldn't leave anymore, even if i went out of picture on the right side.

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Hey sorry for this. A solution I found is to set your web page to a 1.25% zoom and refresh it. This might work

That didn't work, however setting it to 90% zoom did it for me. (I use Firefox btw)

Uncontinuable as present as the third screen does not load

if you're talking about the black screen after entering the door, it's the end of the game. If not, please tell me what is happening

the exit to the third screen is not working, nice design and apeasing graphics

if you're talking about the black screen after entering the door, it's the end of the game. If not, please tell me what is happening

probably the end. thank you for a very nice game

I like the Sprite even if the Background seems to have some problems, but there is a part where you have to perform a jump onto a platform without seeing the platform that was bad, and you move WAY too slow in general. Great name for a game, tho, I also wanted to use that one a long time ago.

Hello, can you tell me what this Background problem are having having? and if you could also tell me which platform was out of sight I would appreciate it

The tiles seem to not be placed right. When I jumped there were lines on the wall basically creating a square pattern. Also, the blind jump was somewhere on the left side, before you're able to climb ladders. Not too far from the start position.