A new update is out!

Hello everybody!

I want to thank everyone for the comments about Bondungeon. I know the game was having some problems so I made this new update to fix all the things that were wrong with it (at least I think all the problems are solved now).

I also want to apologize for taking so long to post this update. I've been very busy recently and haven't had time to work on this .

All the new things in this update:

- Added music and sound effects to provide a better gaming experience;

- The end of the game, thanking you for playing;

- A sword sprite was added to make more sense when removing the gag;

- Some text boxes have been added to help the player understand what is happening;

And all the fixes:

- All camera issues and blind jumps are fixed now.

- Hogtie mode can move a little faster;

- The bug with floating platforms moving at different speeds on different computers has been fixed;

- The jumping movement is much more consistent now;

- You can no longer activate escape animations when climbing stairs;

- Some wrong animations were replaced with correct ones;

- You can no longer walk while trying to escape the handcuffs;

(Some people have talked about grid lines appearing when the player walks, but I never got to finding that bug to test, so I don't know how to fix it)

Now talking about Bondungeon and its future!

I really enjoyed making this game, but I was also very frustrated that I couldn't make it become what I had in mind during the jam period. Now looking at how the game is after this update, I think I'm much happier now! I always wanted to create a game with a bondage theme and thanks to DiDGames jam I finally tried out my ideas and learned a lot of things.

I have some good and fun ideas in mind for it to become a full game, but working on a game alone is very difficult and I don't know how many people would be interested in it becoming a full game, because I think most people who played were there because of the jam.

So let me know if you'd like to see more about Bondungeon in the future and I hope you enjoy this improved version of the game!


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I loved this little game. Definitely happy to see it being built upon; especially after the DID game jam’s end.

First off, I haven't tried any updates since the jam, so keep that in mind.

Anyways, I'm a bit 50/50 on whether I think it would fit as a longer experience.
I think the production quality was high and I enjoyed it, but the concept could use some changes if it's a longer experience.

Unlike a normal metroidvania where you constantly get stronger, a bondage themed metroidvania stops being bondage themed if you remove all the restraints. You already mentioned having some ideas, so I'm sure you've already thought about this.

Essentially it either needs some kind of progress/power-up that still incorporates the theme (tying up enemies instead?), or being put in new situations with new mechanics (leaning a bit more into the puzzle part of it all).

Just my two cents. The more bondage themed games the better! 


Didn't expect any updates on this little gem, I thought it was quite good as it was but ya went and did it. Would love to see what happens in the future 😁